Bridget Dunigan as Grace Morris
Originally from the area, Bridget spent the past few years living and working in NYC. She is a founding member and Company Manager of TP&co, a branch of The Theatre Project that focuses on classical theatrical pieces. She helped to create the ever popular Shakespeare Off-Broadway Series, which is committed to continuously offering evocative, affordable, and accessible productions of William Shakespeare’s work. Her favorite Off-Broadway roles include: As You Like It (Rosalind), The Glass Menagerie (Laura), Taming of the Shrew (Katharina), Twefth Night (Olivia), Macbeth (Banquo), A Midsummer Night's Dream (Lysander), among others. She was most recently seen in the Glens Falls Community Theatre production of A Bad Year for Tomatoes , Toni Anderson-Sommo's original play U R Here, and the short film "Unattainable" produced by Snarky Aardvark. She grew up performing at the Fort Salem Theatre and graduated with a BA in Theater from Plattsburgh State University. Bridget is now the Managing Director for the new Park Theater.